About internal meaning of Panchagni Sadhana

“O Bhikku! O Beggar! Everything is burning.” We are all
bhikkus, beggars. Why? Because we always want. Bring me a
husband, bring me a wife, bring me a son, bring me money,
bring me happiness, bring me clothes, bring me this, bring me
that. Always wanting, never giving. You only know how to ask
for something; you don’t know how to give.

Even when we give, we have our eyes set on what we will get in return. So,
Buddha pronounced, “We are all burning.” We are facing the
fury of the five fires, and in that sense, you are being cooked
by the internal fi res. Unless you learn to endure, you cannot
overcome the fires. The secret lies in endurance.

**From Avahan mag.

(Munger Satyananda Yoga)


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